Please come out and join us in our official standup of the San Bernardino Chapter. This ceremony will take place on February 24, 2018, at the San Bernardino Community SDA Church at the corner of 17th and G St. in San Bernardino, CA. If anyone needs lodging please reach out to San Bernardino Chapter President Harold Greenlee at hgreenleejr@gmail.com
"Out & About" is a weekly update from Washington Conference encouraging you to get "Out & About" in ministry, and this week they featured the activities of the Northwest Regional chapters thanks to Bill Lusk, the president of the Puget Sound Chapter.
Mt. Rubidoux Chapter hosted its 3rd Annual Friendship Ride Oct. 15, 2017. They had eight riders and a number of members and family accompany in their cages. This was Shane Hilde's first ride with SKMM since resigning as president of the San Gorgonio Pass Chapter almost a year and half ago. Terry Booker, president of the Inland Empire Chapter, rode down from Ridgecrest, Calif. (2.5 hrs. away), to enjoy the ride and breakfast at Belgian Waffle Works, Lake Arrowhead. Enjoy the pictures of the event.
Meeting Location:
Mt. Rubidoux Seventh-day Adventist Church
5320 Victoria Ave.
Riverside, CA 92506
Date: Sunday October 15, 2017
Meeting Time: 7:30 A.M.
Departure Time: 8:00 A.M.
Destination: Lake Arrow Head. We will be having brunch up there, so bring some money and enjoy a meal with friends.
For more information or to RSVP contact: Road Captain Marco Hernandez via phone 909-644-6559 or email marcosabbathkeeper@yahoo.com
Oyster Run is the largest motorcycle run in the Pacific Northwest and will take place Sunday, Sept. 24th, at Anacortes, Washington. Northwest SKMM chapters will have booths at the event, so come on out and support them.
Registration fee of $25 per single rider and $40 for double riders. This includes meal, raffle ticket and ride pin.
All donations gratefully appreciated.
There will be homemade tamales, beans and rice, along with live music and great company to ride with. See you there.
With great pleasure and excitement, I am pleased to announce a very special Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Ministry National event to be held at Harris Ranch Restaurant and Inn right here in my hometown of Coalinga, California.